
Sunday, January 29, 2012


Thankful for the body of Christ! Thankful for last night-- had a few friends over and spent some time in worship of our dear, precious Father. It was timely and needed.

In the last week some not-so-easy news has come to our family. My Uncle Clough has been diagnosed with Colon cancer, and we are anticipating his surgery this coming Tuesday. I spoke with him this weekend and he told me that the first thing he thought of after the doctors told him it was cancer was, "God's grace is sufficient."

What a true statement, and how comforting to know that Uncle Clough can find rest and peace in that. We are definitely fighting this one out for all we are worth, and I'm so proud of how CDawg is handling all of this. I just admire him so much and have grown to love him so dearly over the last few years. It's funny because when you're a little kid, your uncles are special, but when you get older and really get to know them they become even more so. I just appreciate how the Lord has given me so much time and so many good memories with Uncle Clough, Lisa and Lara (especially due to football season and license exams :)) in the last few years. What a special man he is, and what a neat role he plays in my life.

Thankful for Uncle Cdawg, Aunt Lisa and little Lollie, and thankful that God's grace IS sufficient. Thankful that we can find REST in our Fathers arms... He is so strong while we are incredibly weak. He is sovereign, trustworthy, and faithful. Those are truths about God that will not and CANNOT change.

Please pray for my precious Uncle and his family, and then our extended family as we walk the road God has laid out for us. I know God will be glorified through this- He already has been by the testimony of my Uncle, and praise Jesus for that.

A song the Lord has used to encourage my heart in TRUTH  is "Rest", written by my friend  Ronnie. What a timely blessing. (Lyrics below)

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

(Matthew 11:28-30 ESV)

(Verse 1)
Come to Me you weary
And I will give you rest
Take My yoke upon you
And I will call you blessed
Cast your burdens on me
And bear with them no more
Your sins they are forgiven
With eagle’s wings you’ll soar
And I will fly
Oh Lord Most High
In You now I cry:

Let all striving cease
Let Your mercy reign free
Jesus, You have paid my debt
In You I am clean
Righteousness clothes me
Jesus, You have called me blessed
You have brought me rest
(Verse 2)
I am everlasting
Creator of this world
I will not grow weary
My ways unsearchable
I will give you power
Your strength I will increase
Wait for me My precious child
Find your rest in Me

You have brought me rest
And I will fly
You have called
Me blessed
You have brought me rest

(  You can find the link to the album this song is found on here. Worth your time!! Thanks, Ronnie.)
THANKFUL for the rest found in Christ, and that even during this time of hardship, Uncle Clough and the rest of our family can find peace with our Father.

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