
Thursday, January 26, 2012


Thanks to Elizabeth Burrow,  we had a reunion in Gatlinburg. We have named this the "Fanbell annual birthday celebration for Andrew". (his birthday is tomorrow, so he has claimed that this trip is all about him... what's new? :))

When we were growing up our families would go on the "Fanbell Annual March to the Sea" and we'd stay at the Fant family's beach house on the Isle of Palms (which is by far my favorite beach spot in all of the world). There were 10 kids and 4 adults crammed into that house, and boy do we have some memories. ("I LOVE MYSELF"... slim fast commercials, crabbing, "yemonade", cross stitching, . . ..) Now that our families are doubling and tripling, it's a bit much to cram all of us in one place at the beach, so we opted for a cabin.

Everybody was able to make it except Joe, Rach, Monroe and their counterparts (which means 9 of our "family" members were missing!). (inserted-- Sarah was also missing and i failed to mention her. She is just sonclose to all of our earts it was as if she was there!!)So, it wasn't exactly like old times, but it was close.
So thankful for this time we have to get away, spend time with family and close friends/family, and enjoy the beautiful mountains!

Carrie, Dan, Elizabeth, Josh, Jenna, Marshall, Andrew, Abbie, Alli
Daniel, Dad, Mom, Ellie, Aunt Gretchen, Kate, Uncle Marsh, Nelson
Thankful for the Fanbells...

1 comment:

  1. I am so hurt....I guess I'm not a member of this family anymore since I wasn't missing... Can't even believe it...
