
Thursday, May 12, 2011


The last few days Sarah and I have spent with the Ledbetter family in Santee, SC. We have had our hands FULL in adventure- life hasn't been dull in the least! We are so thankful to have such special time with this family-- they are family!

This is the local BBQ restaurant in town... old buildings were moved here from
Lone Star, SC. It was neat to walk through and see all of the antiques throughout
the buildings-- AND the food was DELICIOUS!

Unique antique displays... the little things fascinate me!

This is the TRUE Dr. Ledbetter :)

What a fun group!!

We also did alot of fishing while we were in Santee. The Ledbetters put some
fishing wire out and we caught some catfish... (I say "we"... but I wasn't included in this catch
at all except to snap a few pictures!) Sarah (as pictured above) didn't do too much to help either... but she
felt that if she held the string she could count it as a catch for her, too!

They slightly resemble each other....

We spent this morning out on a boat fishing the lake... not too much success, but it was
still A TON of fun! AND we saw an alligator!! People don't ever swim in this lake (well
they do, but most of them die) because there are so many gators. 

Jon caught a few big ones out on the lake... haaahaha
Jon's trophy catch of the day
Sarah fished with the old bamboo rod... she is so talented!

You have to catch ALOT of fish to feed a family around Santee... they just
don't make big fish these days!

Our fearless capt'n
The voice of reason.
Just like the swiss family Robinson!!!
THANKFUL for such a FUN day full of great memories and looking forward to MANY more! (We are fishing in the morning... AGAIN. Hoping to catch something a little more noteworthy :))

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