
Thursday, May 5, 2011


Mixed day of emotions for Allison May Campbell... I just have to be honest.

Sometimes God brings us through different struggles in life where all we can do is turn to Him. And the truth of the matter is, when we look at the cross of Christ, our biggest struggles are nothing. I'm having a tough time tonight thanking God. It's amazing how as believers even when we know that God is good and that everything He does is good... our minds play tricks on us. God is good and that is a fact. What He is performing in my life right now is good. Fact. I struggle to trust. Fact. 

My lack of faith in Christ is proof that I do not view God to be as AMAZING as He is. If I truly trusted God's power, I wouldn't doubt Him. If I truly trusted God's goodness and love for me, I wouldn't question. I need to view my God as the powerful, loving, CARING Father that HE TRULY IS. God is so good. Even today. Even tomorrow... Always!

Hallelujah, All I have is Christ. Hallelujah, Jesus is my life.

I'm thankful that despite what I am facing, I can have true life in Jesus Christ. I am thankful today for the love He has bestowed upon me. Fact. 

1 comment:

  1. In the last few months I have had WAY more days like this than I care to admit. I will pray for you. I understand and appreciate your honesty.
    Love you!
