
Saturday, August 20, 2011


BEAUTIFUL scenery... I'm thankful for that! Matt and Rach have the most BEAUTIFUL yard. :)

AND... the yard is just as beautiful at NIGHT as it is during the day!!


  1. This is the view from their yard? Wow - ALMOST worth moving to AZ for!

    Is the baby really going to be Katie Lou or is that just your nickname?

    You really played catch-up the last couple of days, didn't you!!

  2. Yes, this is the view from their yard... just some wild flowers! :)

    And we're not sure what Kathryn's final name will be. I call her Katie Lou, Little Katie Girl, Kathryn Louise, or Katie Did... you know, it changes based on the way she smiles at me!

    I tried to catch up... that is what not having internet does to you! :)
