
Friday, January 14, 2011


Failed Plans.

Isaiah 26:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare [1] and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope:

I am so encouraged to know that God knows my future. Last night I got together with some girls from Cross Impact and we had a time to share what God is teaching us. It was such an encouragement to see and hear God working... tears of pain, tears of joy, reminders of the truth of the Word and the character of God. I am so encouraged. Then I spent some time with a very dear friend and she shared from her heart even more clearly what God is doing in her life.

I am so encouraged that God chooses to work in us, though we're broken, weak, undeserving vessels. I think of David, a man who sinned over and over again, yet he is known as "a man after God's own heart." WOW. It's incredible to see the love and forgiveness of our gracious, merciful Savior. I am just overwhelmed tonight at the sacrifice of Jesus... overwhelmed.

I have been thinking about the verse in Jeremiah that talks about God's plan for our lives. I am so encouraged that no matter where we've been, no matter how we've "messed up" in our lives, God has a plan for us NOW and for our future that is just incredible. He wants to use us in ways that only we can be used. I am thankful that I don't have to fear the future, but I can walk today with God and in 10 years I'll be exactly where I need to be. I am thankful for the Word that He gives us to guide us each step in our walk of faith. I'm thankful for the encouragement and honesty of other brothers and sisters in Christ to help us in this walk. It doesn't matter if my plans have all failed... they haven't in the eyes of God. He knew all along. What encouragement.

I don't know if you're reading this... anybody... but if you are, and you're struggling with where God has you right now in life, be encouraged. If you're struggling with failed plans, hurt, confusion... be encouraged. God has your best interest at heart, and He is going to do what's best for you. Just take the leap of faith and follow. Doesn't mean life will be a piece of cake- challenges will come. But we have such a strong, faithful ROCK to depend on. :) Praise Jesus!

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