
Sunday, April 24, 2011


Christ is RISEN!!!!

So thankful for an incredible time in the Word and celebrating the resurrection of Christ. Church was a real blessing Sunday morning (and night). Dan taught from 1 Corinthians 15 on the resurrection of Christ and what that means for believers, and ended with verse 58 which is our response as BELIEVERS... to be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. AMEN. (I just added the amen... so awesome)

My call as a believer, because of the resurrection of my LIVING Savior, is to be about His work. Sometimes I feel like that work is just pointless or is getting nowhere. Some days I just don't feel like walking with Him (honesty here). BUT, I can't give up, because God has a purpose for my life far greater than my purpose for my life would ever be, and what He has for me to do is not in vain or pointless.

I am so thankful for the victory Christ had over death, and that because of this He gives us purpose to life. And in life or death, we can praise Him.

AFTER church on Sunday our family all gathered at Grammie Campbell's for our Easter celebration. It was so much fun to be with the family- all of my siblings were there except Monroe and Katie, and we missed Kelly and Clough Steven also!

MOST of the original cousins... missing Monroe, Kelly and Clough Stevens
Now with all of the additions... SO thankful for this family! I'm
not sure when we all grew up!
Kathryn was in her seersucker dress to match little D and Benton :)
Benton and Daniel were fascinated with the sticks all around- they weren't
really up for a photo shoot!
TOOOOO much personality! Daniel had a nut in his mouth... I think
he had that same nut in his mouth an hour later.
He wasn't too concerned about eating it, just thought it was
a cool look, I guess!

Thankful Grandma Kline could be with us, too! LOVE having her around!

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