Merry Christmas.
Wow. I don't know where to begin. It's been a quite eventful Christmas, and I think so far this was close to my favorite. I did miss the family in Texas, though. As I sit here thinking back over the last day and a half I'm feeling somewhat sentimental. Partially because I'm exhausted, partially because I just am so thankful for the family that God has blessed me with.
My Dad and Mom... I thank God for them |
So, a walk through the last couple of days (feel free to skip the writing and just look at pictures :))... On Christmas eve I was able to go spend some time with my good friends Bryan and Rachel Burton, and it was so neat to catch up with them. Then my family had Christmas dinner at our house at 4:30, and both Grammie Campbell and Grandma Kline were able to join (all of my siblings were there minus Monroe and Katie- we missed them!!).
Grammie Campbell, me :), and Grandma Kline |
We then went to a Christmas Eve service at UBC. It was so encouraging to stop and take time to focus on the Word, and to remember what Christmas is truly about. I want to thank God for sending Jesus Christ to the earth as a little baby, so that He could be the SAVIOR of the world- Savior, Christ, the Lord.
So, after the Christmas eve service, we continued our family tradition and headed to the Bundrick's house to throw reindeer food in the yard. This is a tradition that goes years back with our neighbors who have literally become family. If you have noticed that you don't get good gifts from Santa, I can get the "reindeer food" recipe for you :) (it works!)
I'm so thankful for such wonderful neighbors! |
Matt, Benton, Matt, Forrest, Mrs. Bundrick, Dad, Elizabeth, Sarah Lou,
Dan, Dnaiel, Carrie and Mr. Bundrick... throwing Reindeer Food |
After throwing reindeer food to secure Santa's stop at our house, we proceeded to watch Daniel and Benton open gifts. They had a BALL- could have cared less about any of their gifts, they just wanted to unwrap anything and everything. I must say they didn't have any trouble knowing what to do. They've been unwrapping gifts under the tree for weeks now.
After we opened gifts with our family, our friend Stephanie Richardson came to spend Christmas eve and Christmas day with us. She brought a Richardson family tradition to our household... paper bag stockings. You see, these are GREAT stockings filled with LOTS of exciting foods....
We want to give our dentist lots of business this year.... |
Carrie was making some additions to Rachael's artwork... hmmmm :) |
Stephanie Richardson... is a blessing! |
Fast Fwd: Christmas Morning...
Our first step in the morning on Christmas day is always the Christmas morning run with Sarah Louise... then off to the Bundricks to see how much the reindeer liked the food we left them. This year Santa brought lots of presents to the Bundrick's house... I'm telling you, the reindeer food works! :)
Daniel was so excited to see what Santa brought!! |
I love these two beautiful, sweet ladies |
After lots of laughs and coffee at the Bundricks, back to the house to prepare for the Campbell clan to come over for lunch...
Sara Margaret, Uncle Mark, Aunt Margaret, Grammie and Luke |
Precious lady :) |
Katie, Me, Aunt Margaret and Sydney (Glad Sydney could come!) |
Will and Sara Margaret |
Cousins... Lara, Sarah, Sara Margaret, Katie and Me with our scarves from Grammie |
Oh Luke... never a dull moment |
Aunt Jeanie and Uncle Blake |
All in all, a great day... but not over yet. After the Campbell clan left for the afternoon, we opened our paper stockings (Needless to say we traditionally do things very untraditionally in our household....)
So the tradition has it, you design your own paper stocking, then Santa fills it... well, he definitely filled them! |
Benton wouldn't put down his cereal box :) |
Benton was just sooo happy... I love catching these moments |
This is what we do for fun in the Campbell house... |
So, after opening stockings, playing horse with Bopa, we decided to play guitar, take pictures with our good friend Brad at his church, relax, laugh some more, drink some egg nog... you know, the typical stuff you do on Christmas.
OH-- and it SNOWED!!!!!!!
... didn't snow much, but it was WHITE and CHRISTMAS on the same day :) |
I found Santa in the Bundricks yard this morning... oopsssss |
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