
Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Continuing to be Thankful

Several years ago I began this blog after a time of discouragement. In my heart I was discouraged looking around, but there was so much love and grace surrounding me, I just didn't see it. "In everything give thanks"-- this is a command that we are given despite our circumstances, and I am learning day by day this attitude of thankfulness comes with an ever present awareness of the gospel. We can trust in God's sovereignty and control over our lives. We can rest in his care for us, because we know that despite how we feel and what we see surrounding us, he is in control. And HE has defeated sin, our sorrow, and ultimately death. We can rejoice through difficulty because we have Christ, and He truly is all we need.

It's hard to understand this on the other side of grief and trial, but as we experience Christ and the fullness of joy that comes in knowing Him, we understand in a very real way what it means for Christ to be ALL we need. Believe me, I'm still learning and growing in this-- I have in no way arrived.

All that to say, I recently read through my blog as I do occasionally, and decided it's time to pick it back up. I may or may not blog daily (in fact I promise I won't blog daily due to being a wife, mom, friend, furry child mom, employee...), but I want to get back into the habit of looking for seemingly small things to give thanks for.

So today, I'm thankful to be able to look back and smile as I see so clearly God's faithfulness over the small things, and the sweet gives He has given and continues to give. Mainly the sweetest gift given in His Son, Jesus.


  1. Yes! Thankful for you sweet cousin!

  2. Loved seeing your blog pop up in my feed this morning. Sometimes it takes time away to see what was possibly right in front of you the whole time. Today, I am thankful for you Allie. You are always a bright face and you are so easy to talk to. One of God's many blessings that he blessed you with. Happy Wednesday!

  3. Y'all are sweet! Thanks for your encouragement! We are blessed to be family.
