
Monday, January 31, 2011


Peace :)

Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about ANYTHING, but in everything by prayer and supplication with THANKSGIVING let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses  ALL understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus

1 Peter 5:6-7
Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you. Casting all your anxieties on HIM because HE CARES FOR YOU!!!

Jeremiah 29:11
For I KNOW THE PLANS I HAVE FOR YOU, declares the Lord, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a FUTURE and a HOPE.

It's so encouraging that God has every circumstance our lives under control, and that He truly is the author of peace... VERY, very thankful!

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Happy Birthday Daniel!!

So, Daniel is officially TWO! And he's had atleast four birthday celebrations this year! He has thorougly enjoyed each celebration- and LOVES to blow out candles. Gigi would say "Daniel, sing happy birthday!" So, he's start to sing... "Happy birthday..." (except not quite so clear) and then he'd blow out the candles, clap and say "YAY" followed by an "again!!". He likes this birthday thing!

I am thankful for the two years I've been an Aunt to this little boy. I know I brag about them alot (and probably love them too much), but it's just amazing how much joy and love this little guy has brought to my life. I am very blessed!

Daniel was praying for the pizza (VERY large pizza!)... they were too cute with their hands folded!

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Victory. :)

Thankful... tonight Caleb Gruendling and I beat Grandma Kline and Stephanie Richardson in a FABULOUS game of Rook. I know this seems like a trivial event, but if you know my grandma (and have ever played Rook with her), you know she does not lose often. She is a sneaky one! :) What a great night!

Friday, January 28, 2011


Thankful for Kathryn... again :)

Kathryn is enjoying a nap on the pillow that Great Aunt Carol made a LONG time ago!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Still Thankful for Kathryn...

(and probably will be every post from now till the 365th one... get used to it! :))

Tonight Dad, Mom, Benton (He's been having slumber parties at Bopa and Gigi's) and I went in to Greenville to eat dinner with Matt and Rach (and to visit Kathryn). While we were there, Kathryn's BFF was able to visit (Kate), and Kathryn had SO much fun with her! They are getting along just great- I am so glad to know that Kathryn will have such good friends growing up. :)

Kate and Kathryn are sure to be BFF's!

Benton LOVES his little baby sister (He doesn't realize she's for keeps yet... hopefully he'll still
love her when he figures that one out!:))


I could do this for hours....

Just in case you've missed the memo, I LOVE THIS LITTLE GIRL!
She is such a gift from God!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


While Kathryn is away....

While little baby Kathryn is being taken care of by her sweet mommy and daddy, Benton and Daniel are living it up at Gigi and Bopa's!

Calm, sweet baby Kathryn Louise :)

non-calm (still sweet) little boys... eatin' Mac'n'cheeeeese

The hats were my bribe to get them to the table. Worked out well!

These boys have been a complete "Maaaayas" (their pronunciation of "mess"), but so much fun! Daniel and Benton both had a slumber party at Gigi and Bopa's last night, and this morning I woke up to the one and only Daniel Allen Smetana Jr staring me in the face with a cheerful "good morning... good morning... good morning..." The next thing I realized was that I had 30 more minutes to sleep before I needed to wake up, so I sweetly replied to this cute little alarm clock... "Thanks, Daniel. Auntie Alli is going to sleep for a little while longer." To which he responded "ok... noise." He then galluped down the hallway, unplugged his noise maker, came and handed it to me so I could plug it in. I did so, and he turned it on and set it down on my bed side table. Then I asked him if he would pray with me, so he knelt down beside my bed and said "Father... (then insert random words I couldn't understand)... in Jesus name, AMEN!" He then stood up, said "night night" and closed the door.

This is why my life is so awesome!!! I can't wait to share these moments with Kathryn... congrats AGAIN to Matt and Rach!!!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Kathryn Louise Wilson

I'm pretty thankful for her! I went back to the hospital today just to be sure that she was real and that her entrance into the world wasn't just a dream. I can't tell you how special it feels to hold these two little ones... I'm so blessed!

Monday, January 24, 2011



Today was one of the most incredible days of my life. God is so sweet to me. I got to meet my first niece and see her take her first breath. There were so many little blessings throughout the day that I could go on and on about, but the one you all care about the most is little Kathryn Louise. :)

She was born at 1:42 (3 minutes before I predicted :)) 6lb 9oz, 19 3/4". She is a little gift from God!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Ministry of the Word.

Tonight I was really touched/rebuked/conviced/encouraged (all at once) in the Word. Will Gaulkin is here for a week of meetings, and he was speaking out of Hebrews 12 tonight.

Sometimes I feel like I fall into the same cycles over and over again in my walk with the Lord. It's like the struggles I face today are the same struggles I was dealing with 5 years ago. "Why am I back here, Lord? Am I not making ANY progress in my walk with you?!!" (I don't know if you can relate to this thought process at all. It might just be me.) I was both convicted and encouraged.

Convicted: What in my life is slowing me down in the race that God has set before me? (And the answers are not necessary for the whole world to read, but there are many things for sure! And the crazy part is, there are probably so many things I don't even realize at this POINT in time that God is giong to show me in time... ahhh, I am definitely a slow work in progress!)

Encouraged: It's OK. The hardship/conviction/discipline of the Lord that is taking place NOW in my life is going to produce a "peaceful fruit of righteousness". What a blessing

Encouraged X2: "Lift your drooping hands, strengthen your weak knees, make straight the path for your feet so what is lame may not be put out of joint  but rather be healed..."

I am so thankful for the conviction of the Holy Spirit. And I'm thankful that it's really OK that I'm not a perfect person :)... but I'm a display of the grace of God. (I pray to be this...)


Oops :)

Thankful that the post I'm writing today can count for yesterday...

Friday, January 21, 2011



This is why being an aunt is fun...

Mmmmm.... we MUST be related! :)

He comes and ASKS me if he can wear these... I'm training him well.
 He's quite the fashionable kid!

Thursday, January 20, 2011



Daniel and Benton love LOVE coffee, but they can't pronounce the 'c' yet, so our household refers to coffee as "foffee". For Christmas Grammie gave me this really nifty gadget which I call a frother (not sure the technical term), and every morning I start my day off with a nice cup of coffee, complete with a frothed milk/cream mixture.

You would never know that this little drink was made by yours truly and has not ONE starbucks element to it (minus the mug) (I think this means I'm a Starbucks poser) :) MMMmmm... I think I might go make a cup of coffee now!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


From the mouth of a Child... :)

I have laughed every time I've watched this... which has been many, MANY times!! Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Passion 2010.

Last year I had the opportunity to go to the Passion Conference in Atlanta. I was thinking about some of the lessons I learned, and one of the sessions that the Lord taught me a tremendous amount was called "Is Jesus and Egomaniac" by John Piper. It's worth the time reading... just give yourself enough time to absorb. Such an encouragement

"God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him..."

Monday, January 17, 2011


Five Guys.

So, my dad has this obsession with Five Guys these days... and I suppose I am following in this addiction. Not only has he led our family down the road of DDP addiction, he's now led us down the path of clogged arteries. I tell you this though... the path is really tasty! (a word my dad makes fun of me for saying...)

Tonight Dad, Mom and I met Dan, Carrie and Daniel at Five Guys after work. It is so much fun to see Daniel eat those french fries- he gets so excited about them. Usually dad will walk Daniel and Benton up to the counter and they''ll talk to the guys working. Then they'll somehow always come back smiling with a fry in hand. Bopa really loves those boys, and they really love him! It's so sweet.

Thankful for my family... and Five Guys :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011


A Fresh Start.

"Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed,
   for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
  great is your faithfulness!"

Lamentations 3:22-23

Friday, January 14, 2011


Failed Plans.

Isaiah 26:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare [1] and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope:

I am so encouraged to know that God knows my future. Last night I got together with some girls from Cross Impact and we had a time to share what God is teaching us. It was such an encouragement to see and hear God working... tears of pain, tears of joy, reminders of the truth of the Word and the character of God. I am so encouraged. Then I spent some time with a very dear friend and she shared from her heart even more clearly what God is doing in her life.

I am so encouraged that God chooses to work in us, though we're broken, weak, undeserving vessels. I think of David, a man who sinned over and over again, yet he is known as "a man after God's own heart." WOW. It's incredible to see the love and forgiveness of our gracious, merciful Savior. I am just overwhelmed tonight at the sacrifice of Jesus... overwhelmed.

I have been thinking about the verse in Jeremiah that talks about God's plan for our lives. I am so encouraged that no matter where we've been, no matter how we've "messed up" in our lives, God has a plan for us NOW and for our future that is just incredible. He wants to use us in ways that only we can be used. I am thankful that I don't have to fear the future, but I can walk today with God and in 10 years I'll be exactly where I need to be. I am thankful for the Word that He gives us to guide us each step in our walk of faith. I'm thankful for the encouragement and honesty of other brothers and sisters in Christ to help us in this walk. It doesn't matter if my plans have all failed... they haven't in the eyes of God. He knew all along. What encouragement.

I don't know if you're reading this... anybody... but if you are, and you're struggling with where God has you right now in life, be encouraged. If you're struggling with failed plans, hurt, confusion... be encouraged. God has your best interest at heart, and He is going to do what's best for you. Just take the leap of faith and follow. Doesn't mean life will be a piece of cake- challenges will come. But we have such a strong, faithful ROCK to depend on. :) Praise Jesus!



Look at what SANTA (via their favorite auntie in all of the world) brought Daniel and Benton!!!

Just thought I'd share... I just love these little boys! (in case you were wondering!)

Thursday, January 13, 2011



Right now I'm sitting here enjoying one of the finer things in life... what our family knows as DDP. Now, if you haven't spent much time with my family and haven't noticed our minor addiction, you have no idea what I am talking about. Let me clue you in. Every day around 11:30 I start to feel this strong need for something... something great. (I suppose it's about the time my morning coffee is wearing off) The next thing I know, I hear this voice coming from my dad's office "Allison- allison...". Before I even respond, I am bounding down the steps to the basement to open the fridge and find (*insert harmonious ahhhhh  here*)... none other than a Diet Dr. Pepper staring me in the face. It calls my name, and I can't resist! So, I grab one for dad and one for me (mom drinks Diet Rite- gross!), and up the stairs I go to enjoy what I believe is one of the finest beverages of all time. If you don't like DDP, come spend time with us. You are sure to become a convert!!

Thankful for the little things... mmm mmm good!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Cross Impact.

I am looking forward to our first Cross Impact Bible study of the semester. It's been a huge blessing to be involved with this ministry, and more important the people of it. I thank God for His encouragement to me through the friends I have made through CI. I've been challenged, rebuked, loved, prayed for, even cried with many of these ladies, and I thank the Lord for them.

Over the break I spent some time in Genesis, and read the first few chapters over and over. I found it really interesting and exciting to read the account of creation, the fall, and the life of Adam and Eve. It's so neat how stories you've read and heard about your whole life can still be dissected and can provide encouragement.

I have been overwhelmed by the love of the Lord. It's so interesting reading about the fall of man- the disobedience of Adam and Even (Eve first, then Adam... not that sin is the fault of women ;)), the immediate shame after they disobeyed God, the hardship that was brought to the human life due to the decision to eat the fruit of the tree, the deceit of the serpent... It's incredible. How in the world could Adam and Even, living in a perfect garden, WALKING (literally) with God, disobey? It shows me how selfish we really are. I've been convicted about this. How often do I look around at what I think looks good and sounds right and I "go for it" rather than obeying the voice of my God who ultimately KNOWS what is best because He has designed me, the world, my circumstances. How would my life be changed if daily I denied the "fruit" that I know I should not consume, yet in my eyes it looks so good?

The coolest part of it all is, despite my human weaknesses and stupid choices (seemingly DAILY), Jesus loves me and forgives me, and desires to restore my walk with Him. If you have a minute, go YOUTUBE Sovereign Grace Ministries "The Prodigal"... such an encouragement.

Anyways, for what it is worth, this is what God is encouraging me with. Hope it's a blessing for you.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011



If you've seen facebook, you've seen the pictures I'm going to post. But for my records, I wanted to include pictures of my beautiful city covered in white fluff!

Yesterday started out with a text message from Rachel Burton- "Want to go play in the snow?!" (not an exact quote, but you get the idea...) And of course my response was "YES!" So, off to the dikes we go.

Essentially everybody who resides in Clemson came to sled with us. (atleast those who had 4 wheel drive) There were students going down the steep hill on a kayak which was pretty entertaining. It was especially exciting when they would crash at the bottom of the hill...

All in all, it was a great day complete with sliding around on icy roads, sledding with amazing friends, drinking Moe Joe's specialty drinks 1/2 off, eating sushi (gotta get that in there somehow) and spending time with family. I am very thankful for all of that white stuff and the fun it brings!! (and for an INCREDIBLE boss who gave me the day off!!)

Here I am... allll bundled up for the blizzard! ;)

Bryan's version of 4 wheel drive... coolers full of water :)

Bryan and Rach... most amazing couple ever!

Isn't the architecture at Clemson just beautiful??

part of our peanut gallery infront of Death Valley... thanks to Brad we could get around!

Foot Foot... a special cat. Reminds me of my dear friend, Chrissy and our
 fun memories growing up playing in the snow.

We made a ramp (well, added on to one another group left :)) at the dikes...
and had alot of fun with it. Needless to say, I'm sore today!!

Lots of birds came to our bird feeder!!

I thank God for this sweet friend!
Snow is just beautiful and such a great reminder of what God has done for us. He's washed us "white as snow"... I'm thankful for His power to forgive, to make us pure, to LOVE us! :) He's amazing!

Monday, January 10, 2011


First Date...

So, while Amy and Katelyn are visiting we had a birthday celebration for the three little ones. Daniel and Katelyn decided to go on their first date and I thought I'd share some pictures with you. :)

Here are the three little kiddo's blowing out the candles of their cake. Unfortunately Daniel was the only one who was successful :)

"Daniel, feed Katelyn!"


"Yes, I got it in!"


Let's do it again!!!

Benton, Katelyn and Daniel are getting so old! Terrible two's, here we come!

All three were so happy opening gifts...

Atleast they were happy until Katelyn was the only one left with a gift. :)
What a FUN night we had! So thankful we've been able to spend time with Amy and Katelyn these last few days!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Stephanie Jones.

I am thankful that she did not get me with her stun gun. It's pink... really cute! I think that's going to be my next amazon purchase!!

I'm thankful for her! :)

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Happy Birthday Carrie and Rachael!

I am so thankful for Carrie and Rach... The girls in the picture below are truly gems. I am blessed!

This morning to celebrate Carrie and Rach's birthday we went to Chick-fil-a... started the day off right. Anybody who knows the Campbell clan is well aware of our addiction to anything that is labeled "Chick-fil-a". The spicy chicken biscuit is pretty good, especially with a glass of sweet tea!! :) We were SO happy that Amy Hegreness and her precious girl could join us, as well as the Bundrick family!

Happy Birthday to the most awesome twins I know! :)

Friday, January 7, 2011


Homecoming :)

Thankful to go back and see old friends at Oakwood. I'm so thankful for the people who spent their lives investing in me and the memories I have to look back on from high school!

Thursday, January 6, 2011



Our family has a minor obsession with this game...

Thankful for the time with my family this week hanging out, playing card games, watching movies, eating ALOT, reading, shopping, beaching it up (though it's been really chilly!), ...

Thankful for my FAMILY! (and rook)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Let there be light!

Benton is just too cute- finding joy in the little things of life.

He played with Auntie Sarah's light-up pen for a long time...

In his "ocean" ... pretty excited about his facial hair :)

Playing in the bath tub with his new dinosaurs...
So, thanks to Jesus for giving us small blessings every day to smile about. I want to encourage you all to take a minute to stop and thank God for one very simple blessing. As I have done this little exercise I'm realizing that the "little" blessings (as posted in the last month) have really been a huge encouragement to me. Praise the Lord for His continual love to me!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


One More Day!!

I just found out we get an extra day of vacation! :) I thought we were coming home a day earlier than we are. Good day!

:) (You can see that I've learned to just go with the flow......)

Monday, January 3, 2011


Bikes :)

So, while we're here at HHI, we've been experiencing lots of exciting things. Benton is REALLY enjoying the trip- from the time he wakes up to the time he sleeps he is saying "ocean, beach or swim." It's just too cute!

Matt rented a bike so that he and Benton could go ride around the island. Unfortunately the only bikes with baby carriers were female bikes, so that's what they've been using. :) Benton LOVES going on bike rides!

Benton was so excited about his ride on the bike...

He's holding on tight!

I must say one of the most exciting moments of the day was completing a horrible puzzle my mom purchased from LLBean. I thought to myself... what a nifty idea, a google earth puzzle! WRONG. It's the hardest puzzle we have ever done in our lives!!!! There was no picture to follow, and most of the puzzle is GREEN! Try to put that together quickly. Unfortunately no Campbell will quit even the most impossible task, so we worked till the end. I must say we wouldn't have made it without superhero Matt Wilson!!!

This is what we do for fun... Google earth puzzles of our house. HORRIBLE!
Finished product! After 3 days and about about 20 collective hours we finished it! Relief! 
Sarah, Jon and I drove down the island tonight to see the lighthouse at Harbor Town... it was beautiful!
Harbor Town... beautiful at night!
All in all, a GREAT day! Missing the rest of the family (Katie and Monroe, Dan, Carrie and Daniel), but thankful for the time we have here!

This little boy is just precious! Thankful for him :)