Ministry of the Word.
Tonight I was really touched/rebuked/conviced/encouraged (all at once) in the Word. Will Gaulkin is here for a week of meetings, and he was speaking out of Hebrews 12 tonight.
Sometimes I feel like I fall into the same cycles over and over again in my walk with the Lord. It's like the struggles I face today are the same struggles I was dealing with 5 years ago. "Why am I back here, Lord? Am I not making ANY progress in my walk with you?!!" (I don't know if you can relate to this thought process at all. It might just be me.) I was both convicted and encouraged.
Convicted: What in my life is slowing me down in the race that God has set before me? (And the answers are not necessary for the whole world to read, but there are many things for sure! And the crazy part is, there are probably so many things I don't even realize at this POINT in time that God is giong to show me in time... ahhh, I am definitely a slow work in progress!)
Encouraged: It's OK. The hardship/conviction/discipline of the Lord that is taking place NOW in my life is going to produce a "peaceful fruit of righteousness". What a blessing
Encouraged X2: "Lift your drooping hands, strengthen your weak knees, make straight the path for your feet so what is lame may not be put out of joint but rather be healed..."
I am so thankful for the conviction of the Holy Spirit. And I'm thankful that it's really OK that I'm not a perfect person :)... but I'm a display of the grace of God. (I pray to be this...)
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