So today we noticed we didn't hear the little boys upstairs. Usually when they are quiet it means they are up to no good. Last time this happened I walked into my room to find shattered Christmas ornaments (literally) from one corner of my room to the other, toilet paper torn and displayed across the floor of my closet, and random objects from my closet pulled out all over the room. It took me 30 minutes to clean up after this minor tornado... they like to leave a trail behind wherever they go!!
So, we decided it would be good to search the house to find them. Sure enough, this is what we found! Fortunately no money was eaten...
Shoes are a perfect storage for coins!! |
Gigi and Bopa will NEVER know we took money from the money jar!!! |
They pulled out lots of my dads shoes and started stuffing coins in them... |
Who needs McDonalds playgrounds these days?! |
Awww, I didn't know you had a blog, Allie! Yay for me finding it, now I can spy on you, hee hee! This is cute.. but I think you'll have to wait a day or so to be 'sure' no money was eaten! ;-) We dug about a buck 75 out of Qade's mouth one time when he was about this age and found our money jar. Ha ha!