
Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Once again, so thankful for the conviction of the Holy Spirit.

Wednesday night prayer meeting has been such a blessing to me. It is such a gift to be able to gather with other believers and unite together through prayer. What a way to worship our incredible Savior.

Tonight I was so convicted about my lack of dependence on Christ, and not only that, but my lack to LOVE for Him. Pastor Fisher was pretty blunt when he told us that our lack of communication with God proves our lack of love for Him. At first when I heard this I thought, well... I really do love God, I just forget to pray. I just forget to communicate with Him... I'm just too tired and busy. But that proves that I don't love Christ like I should.

The people who know me and love me KNOW that I am a communicator. If I love somebody, I want to talk to them and hear how things are going, and I want to fill them in on every single detail of my life.

How much more should I desire to communicate with God?? Our love is proven by our actions. We can say we love God all day long, but if we don't live it out, we aren't loving! It's not a matter of a checklist or a legalistic attitude, it's a matter of having a passion for Christ and desiring to be with Him in His presence ALL THE TIME!

I was able to pray with Mrs. Misner and Mrs. McGilvra, and it was so neat to go before the Lord with these godly ladies and worship, and then just talk to God. And what is even more exciting is that God is answering prayers that we specifically brought to God that night. How merciful and gracious God is.

God is real, He desires to communicate with us (which is crazy), and He is working. He's so good. Thankful.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for this post, allison. i so needed to read it! thank you for being transparent. :)
