
Saturday, June 11, 2011


I don't even know where to begin ... I spent 7 hours out at the rowing center today with lots of GREAT people. Anna Whitwell, Caleb and Seth Gruendling and I helped with the Death Valley Open Water swim meet that was held out at the rowing center. We were kayak support for the many MANY swimmers that came out. I don't think we realized exactly what we were getting into, but we had a BLAST and got some sun in the process. :)

It was incredible seeing these athletes swim. Some were just incredibly fast, and some were sooo young. They had several different events which started off with a 5k swim. 5K!!! That just seems like toooo much for me. It's hard enough for me to run 3.1 miles, much less SWIM it!

My hat goes off to swimmers. If you are a swimmer, you are my hero. I'm thankful for a peek into a WHOLE different world today! And I met some new people who might come join our Saturday morning running/kayaking/swimming group! FUN stuff right there!

GOOD day!

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