
Saturday, June 4, 2011


Thankful that the kiddo's are safe out at camp. It's unreal what is going on out there-- growing up on the east coast, the concept of having to evacuate my city due to a forest fire is just a foreign concept.

I have had many precious memories at Grandview camp and am sad to know that the fire is moving through, but thankful that there was minimal damage to our actual camp property. The Lord has been so good to protect all of the summer camp out at Grandview.

Right now the fire is moving toward our new camp location (the camp site that is currently being built), so we are praying that the Lord will just stop the movement toward our new property. I know that God is in control.... even the wind and seas obey Him. So, we rest confident in the fact that all of this is happening for a reason, and ultimately that reason is to bring glory to Jesus Christ. I know several people I have talked to who are working at camp this summer have shared with me their burden to see opportunities to share Christ arise from this circumstance. That is my prayer. God has His hand in this and that is good.

As of now camp this coming week has been canceled. They will make decisions this week as to what the rest of the summer will look like. Obviously much of the summer is dependent on this fire and where it moves. Right now it's not contained and has grown to 140,000 acres... unbelievable.

Praying for wisdom and safety of my Grandview family! Thankful they're safe in Phoenix!

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