Fellowship is one of the most incredible gifts as a believer. As I wrote yesterday, something God has been impressing on my heart is the idea of intentionality.
This semester we are going to be studying Philippians at Cross impact, and to work into the book dad spoke last night from Acts 16 on the Philippian Jailer- Paul and Silas were thrown into prison where the worshiped God at midnight singing and praising God, an earthquake took place freeing them but they stayed in the prison and then stopped the jailer from killing himself, and then we see the jailer come to them exclaiming, "What must I do to be saved?!"
Pretty powerful and really funny. I was laughing last night as I was talking to my power group (they probably thought I was losing my mind... I was drinking regular coffee so I had more energy than usual, so maybe that's why I found the story so humerous!). To think of this story as reality is pretty crazy. JUST IMAGINE what the other prisoners thought of these two guys who are worshiping their "god" who was SO POWERFUL that he couldn't stop them from being thrown into prison. (sarcasm) Here it is, late at night, dark, the prisonsers would usually be sleeping, and there are these two seemingly-nut cases SINGING to their "god"! And then all of the sudden there is an earthquake so powerful that it knocked their chains loose! I mean, really!!
God has a great way of crafting history and His story, because after this short time of testimony of these two men, a jailer knew their God was something more than a "god", and he wanted to KNOW HIM!
Does my life speak of Christ like these two lives did? Do others KNOW my God is real by the way that I speak of Him. Am I taking time to encourage, worship, praise my Father with other believers, even during times when I feel like I'm in the stocks of life? Amen.
Blessed and encouraged. Love the book of Acts.
encouraged! :)