
Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Thankful for the sustaining power of prayer, for the grace of our precious Father, And for the peace that passes all understanding. AND for the body of Christ. Thankful for all of the people who have sent texts to me, called me, and prayed for my family, my UNCLE CLOUGH, and myself today. It has been a huge source of encouragement. I cannot express my gratitude. Please continue to pray for my Uncle. He was diagnosed today with stage 4 colon cancer. Our family has a tough road ahead, but God has blessed us with each other, and He's blessed us with HIS STRENGTH, and He is going to sustain. Please pray for wisdom for Aunt Lisa and Uncle Clough as they have some decisions to make in the next few days, and pray for comfort for Uncle Clough.

Today for the Campbell family was a tough day-- we all have them from time to time and they come in various forms.  God is teaching me that He is good, even in times we cannot physically see anything good. God is so faithful, even when we don't feel Him. God is loving, even when we don't understand how a particular situation shows love.

Today I've been clinging to many different passages of scripture, but am reminded time and time again about my precious Shepherd. Psalm 23 seems to be the passage that the Lord has used to bring me comfort through situations of loss in my life, and He's comforted me with it yet again.

"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD

(Psalm 23 ESV)
Thankful for the COMFORT of our Shepherd... "You're with me through every dark valley, there's nothing that I have to fear. You are there to comfort me again and again, protecting me, assuring me you're near. THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD, I shall not want. I will dwell in YOUR house, all the days of my life." Amen.

Monday, January 30, 2012


Little D is 3 today and boy am I thankful for his life!! Carrie and Dan had a little party to celebrate turing "W" (if you ask D how old he is, he says he is "3 and W", thanks to Sarah Louise who taught him that nifty trick).

We had the best time playing construction site and lots of other games, and then closing out the night with some music with Grammie. So thankful for Little D, and so thankful for our friends and family who could celebrate his life!

Excited for the party!!!

Carrie had the cutest idea for a theme-- and we are still enjoying the bags of M&M's!!

Daniel had a few little friends over- they had so much fun with the pinata!

Grandma and Grammie could both be here to celebrate. We had HOT DOGS at Daniels' request.

Face time with Auntie Katie and Uncle Roe Roe....

Opening presents! Just like Christmas!!!

Dan was taking video of little D as he blew out his candle...

Love my little guy!! He has no idea...

After most of the party guests left, grammie hit the panio and we started running! So much
fun to have her here feeling well... like old times!

Just wanted to make sure Ronnie made it on the blog... :)
He shopped long and hard to find the perfect gift, and
gave little D one of the most entertaining gifts of all (aside from Steph's NERF gun!).

Like father, like son.

Love this family, and love little D! Happy Birthday, buddy!!!

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Thankful for the body of Christ! Thankful for last night-- had a few friends over and spent some time in worship of our dear, precious Father. It was timely and needed.

In the last week some not-so-easy news has come to our family. My Uncle Clough has been diagnosed with Colon cancer, and we are anticipating his surgery this coming Tuesday. I spoke with him this weekend and he told me that the first thing he thought of after the doctors told him it was cancer was, "God's grace is sufficient."

What a true statement, and how comforting to know that Uncle Clough can find rest and peace in that. We are definitely fighting this one out for all we are worth, and I'm so proud of how CDawg is handling all of this. I just admire him so much and have grown to love him so dearly over the last few years. It's funny because when you're a little kid, your uncles are special, but when you get older and really get to know them they become even more so. I just appreciate how the Lord has given me so much time and so many good memories with Uncle Clough, Lisa and Lara (especially due to football season and license exams :)) in the last few years. What a special man he is, and what a neat role he plays in my life.

Thankful for Uncle Cdawg, Aunt Lisa and little Lollie, and thankful that God's grace IS sufficient. Thankful that we can find REST in our Fathers arms... He is so strong while we are incredibly weak. He is sovereign, trustworthy, and faithful. Those are truths about God that will not and CANNOT change.

Please pray for my precious Uncle and his family, and then our extended family as we walk the road God has laid out for us. I know God will be glorified through this- He already has been by the testimony of my Uncle, and praise Jesus for that.

A song the Lord has used to encourage my heart in TRUTH  is "Rest", written by my friend  Ronnie. What a timely blessing. (Lyrics below)

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

(Matthew 11:28-30 ESV)

(Verse 1)
Come to Me you weary
And I will give you rest
Take My yoke upon you
And I will call you blessed
Cast your burdens on me
And bear with them no more
Your sins they are forgiven
With eagle’s wings you’ll soar
And I will fly
Oh Lord Most High
In You now I cry:

Let all striving cease
Let Your mercy reign free
Jesus, You have paid my debt
In You I am clean
Righteousness clothes me
Jesus, You have called me blessed
You have brought me rest
(Verse 2)
I am everlasting
Creator of this world
I will not grow weary
My ways unsearchable
I will give you power
Your strength I will increase
Wait for me My precious child
Find your rest in Me

You have brought me rest
And I will fly
You have called
Me blessed
You have brought me rest

(  You can find the link to the album this song is found on here. Worth your time!! Thanks, Ronnie.)
THANKFUL for the rest found in Christ, and that even during this time of hardship, Uncle Clough and the rest of our family can find peace with our Father.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


I'm so excited about this next generation coming up... so, here are some of my favorite pictures of the little ones... (I love the personality shining through!!) (also, don't have any of Ellie... I think she was sleeping when I had my camera in my hands... oops. Will have to make up for that terrible blunder!)

Kate (Elizabeth and Josh) just waking up... ready to start reading!

Nelson (Jenna and Marshall)

Nelson with his toy and hat (made by his Auntie Abbie. She is so crafty and talented!)

Daniel was feeding me Andrew's birthday cake...

Nelson was keeping us company in the kitchen. He wanted to gnaw on a tomato. Mmmmm!

Kate just chillin'...

AND... we have a monkey in our midst! GO little D!

Jenna, Abbie and Little D (with the DDP)...

Uncle Marsh and Nelson...

Carrie and Kate swinging on the front porch...

That little Nelson is precious- maybe the most happy baby I've ever known!
And definitely handsome!
Thankful for a break and the memories made!!

Friday, January 27, 2012


Fun day in the mountains... here are some random pictures. One thing that we are VERY good at is eating. Each "room" was responsible for a different meal on the trip, so Abbie and I had the privilege of making breakfast this morning. We roped Andrew in with us since he was stuck on his own on the couch. :)

Mom's getting her innards ready... for the best omelet experience known to mankind!!

Even little Kate enjoyed our breakfast! :)

Before... mmm, so healthy!

AFTER!!! Bam. Huddle House aint got nothin' on us! ;)

Our Omelet Master Andrew and his assistant Abbie... such talent!

Little D was enjoying his Omelet....
 Today is Andrew's birthday, so we had a great celebration at dinner. Aunt Gretchen made the most DELICIOUS meal, and then a spider cake, which is a tradition in the Fant household. It was deeelicious- and Happy Birthday to big ole' Andrew!!

Elizabeth and Josh...

Aunt Gretch, Andrew, and the most INCREDIBLE cake in all of the world!
(it was deLICIOUS!)

Auntie Abbie and Nelson... precious little boy!
I promise we did other things than eat, it's just that is all I took pictures of. :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Thanks to Elizabeth Burrow,  we had a reunion in Gatlinburg. We have named this the "Fanbell annual birthday celebration for Andrew". (his birthday is tomorrow, so he has claimed that this trip is all about him... what's new? :))

When we were growing up our families would go on the "Fanbell Annual March to the Sea" and we'd stay at the Fant family's beach house on the Isle of Palms (which is by far my favorite beach spot in all of the world). There were 10 kids and 4 adults crammed into that house, and boy do we have some memories. ("I LOVE MYSELF"... slim fast commercials, crabbing, "yemonade", cross stitching, . . ..) Now that our families are doubling and tripling, it's a bit much to cram all of us in one place at the beach, so we opted for a cabin.

Everybody was able to make it except Joe, Rach, Monroe and their counterparts (which means 9 of our "family" members were missing!). (inserted-- Sarah was also missing and i failed to mention her. She is just sonclose to all of our earts it was as if she was there!!)So, it wasn't exactly like old times, but it was close.
So thankful for this time we have to get away, spend time with family and close friends/family, and enjoy the beautiful mountains!

Carrie, Dan, Elizabeth, Josh, Jenna, Marshall, Andrew, Abbie, Alli
Daniel, Dad, Mom, Ellie, Aunt Gretchen, Kate, Uncle Marsh, Nelson
Thankful for the Fanbells...

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Ever been on a date with God?? It sounds weird, and growing up I probably would have felt really uncomfortable about the idea simply because it seems so googly and emotional, but now it doesn't seem so strange. All throughout scripture we see God wooing us and pursuing us in a very intense way. Just look at Hosea for example (which is where this all spurred from).

Hosea 2:14-15
Therefore, behold, I will ALLURE HER, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak tenderly to her. And there I will give her her vineyards and make the Vally of Achor (valley of trouble) a door of hope. And there she shall answer as in the days of her outh, as at the time when she came out of the land of Egypt.

We see here an account of the Lord alluring Israel, His chosen race... who kept wandering. God desires to captivate our heart. He desires to be the ONE love of our life. We are his BRIDE, the one He is JEALOUS for.

WITH THAT SAID... last night I went on a date with God. A friend had done this recently, and it had been something on my heart. I was convicted about my time with God and how I view it. For my entire life I've told people that my walk with God is a relationship, and while that has been partially true (because He has walked with me), I see how often I have NOT treated my walk with Him as a relationship. I've jumped through the Word like a hoop, trying to throw it in the day where I can. I talk to Him when I feel the need, I don't just spend time getting to KNOW Him because I DESIRE to know Him more. (just as I would desire to know somebody I was interested in)

Last night I spent a few hours with God. I didn't exactly know what it would look like- I just wanted BE with him in a focused time. I started off listening to some music, gearing my heart to worship (music always stirs my heart and helps me get in the right frame of mind... so personal.). I was hoping to see God's glory displayed through my study (which I did, just in a different way), but by the end of my time with Him, REST was the theme He gave me.

I spent a good bit of time in the book of Job, and to see Job go through physical and emotional hardship (and by hardship, I mean... HARDSHIP!) and yet (1:22) "In all this, Job did not sin or charge God with wrong." We see Job then going through times of struggle- cursing his birth (ch 3), crying out to God "WHAT WAS MY PURPOSE FOR BIRTH!". We see times of dispair and we see a continuous battle in Job's heart, but then (13:15) we see Him exclaim "though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him."

Though Job was sent through trial and fire, He COULD trust in Christ. He could find rest in the fact that the person who God reproves is blessed. (5:17) We see a man who struggled through much pain, but found comfort in the character of God- that He is sovereign and trustworthy.

THEREFORE, though trials come and times of struggle and testing, I can REST in the fact that I have a Father who is pursuing me passionately, a Father who desires for me to rest in Him and TRUST Him, a Father who will never EVER leave me nor forsake me.

The Lord just encouraged my heart so much through this time, and then brought me to a really neat prayer from the Valley of Vision...

Love-Rest In God

My dear Lord,
I depend wholly upon thee, wean me from all other dependences. Thou are my all, thou dost overrule all and delight in ME!!! Thou art the foundation of goodness, how can I distrust thee?  how be anxious about what happens to me?
In the light of thy preciousness the world and all its enjoyments are infinitely poor:
I value the favour of men no more than pebbles.
Amid the blessings I received from thee may I never lose the heart of a stranger.
MAY I LOVE THEE, MY BENEFACTOR, IN ALL MY BENEFITS, NOT FORGETTING THAT MY GREATEST DANGER ARISES FROM MY ADVANTAGES. (This stood out to me over the rest of the prayer... wow. Times of advantage are so easily the times when we forget to love God and depend on Him. We forget too easily in the good times that God is still to be out portion.)
Produce in me self-despair that will make Jesus precious to me, delightful in all his offices, pleasurable in all his ways, and may I love his commands as well as his promises.
Help me to discern between true and false love, the one consisting of supreme love to thee, the other not, the former uniting thy glory and man's happiness that they may become one common interest, the latter disjointing and separating them both, seeking the latter with neglect of the former.
Teach me that genuine love is different in kind from that wrought by rational arguments or the motive of self-interest,
that such love is a pleasing passion affording joy to the mind where it is.
Grant me the GRACE to distinguish between the genuine and the fals, and to REST IN THEE who art all love.

To end my focused time with God, He brought me to this song... what a blessing to know that through the trials and fires of life we can find REST in Christ.

Thankful for God's constant love for me, for refreshment found in spending time with Him, and the fact that He in His GRACE even allows me to get to know Him better. 

Do you want to go on a date with God?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Happy FIRST Birthday, sweet little Kathryn Louise!! I'm uploading this picture from your mommy's birthday and we are going to play make believe that this happened here in CLEMSON this morning! Gigi woke up very early to make this muffin for you, and you're about to blow it out. :)

Love you precious little girl, and thank God for your little life. Happy Birthday!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Calvin Bougie was dedicated tonight. Had a wonderful time with Katherine, Andrew and family celebrating this time in life for this little guy. Praying that he will grow up to love Jesus more than anything or anybody else in the world, and that his little life will be used to do awesome things. (I know it will!)

Congratulations, little buddy! (pictures to come once I steal some from Kat... so, Kat, when you read this, please be prompted to upload pictures to Facebook so I can steal some!)

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Republican Primary Election... started at 5am, was at the our precinct by 5:30, Barb and Evelyn arrived to help set up at 6, polls opened at 7am, Chicken biscuit came via Sarah at about 10am, lunch from the downs at noon, venti chai latte from Starbucks via Steph Jones at around 1, Dunkin Donuts around 3pm via Bethany Fisher (mmmm!), ice cream from Evelyn around 4, Starbucks BLONDE roast (mmmm) via Ronnie around 4:30, polls closed 7pm, packed up and out of there by 7:30, THE SMOKIN' PIG with dad and friends 8. (and somewhere in there I voted... and got an awesomely INCREDIBLE sticker to prove it!)

What a great day of "working" (but really drinking coffee, tea and eating junk food!). I'm so thankful for my family and friends who kept coming to visit and refuel us as we worked. LOVED working with Barb Fisher and Evelyn Anderson!

PS. When Evelyn asked what we would want to eat for lunch from the dining facility, I requested a plate of healthy food for lunch to combat the terrible habit I had formed of putting bad food in my mouth (donuts, ice cream, etc...).  The meal that came back to me was steak smothered in mushroom gravy with rice, fried squash, okra and tomatoes and a roll. :) I think we had different definitions of healthy, but hey, it was delicious!! (did I mention she also brought us a slice of pecan pie??)


Friday, January 20, 2012


Tonight I went skating with Cross Impact, and we had the best time! Spent a little time with Katherine and Andrew Bougie on our way to the Pavilion, and it was fun to catch up with them before hitting the ice.

So thankful for the chance to meet some new friends from India (via Clemson). It's always fun getting out on the ice, falling, trying to skate backwards, laughing at how awkward everybody is on ice (because most of us are southerners and don't know what a skating rink really is). Thankful for this "family".
So glad Amy could come!!!
... And so glad Madison could help me around the rink. :)

I am obviously much cooler than Ronnie... and much more normal.
Yay, Lacey! 
What a "great" day! (:-))

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Man, that little Ellie Girl just grabs your heart and tugs.... :)

Carrie is such a cute, fashionable mom.
AND already in her post pregnancy jeans... ;) (world, you need to know this!!)

The many faces of Ellie...

I love Adobe Lightroom.... and couldn't help distort the color. This little face is just PRECIOUS!

Thankful for this little bundle of joy!