
Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Wow. I didn't think I'd ever really get to this day! 365 consecutive days of thanks to my incredible Father for so many gifts.

Occasionally I'll go back to specific points over the last year and read what I was learning or what was going on- there were fun times like when I'd go on little dates with Daniel and Benton,  when Grammie and  I visited Monroe and Katie in Dallas, Matt and Rach's home make-over family-style edition :), or even when my best friend had her first little boy who we prayed would come for a long time! There were also days where I remember arguing verbally with God- " I just don't want to thank you today!" Yet, I had to. (it's the rule!) In fact, often when those days hit (which was more often than I would ever care to admit) I would pull up this blog and start reading truth. God cares for me and has blessed me.

This year has been a year of tremendous growth in my heart. I can tell you that today I realize how much MORE desperately I need to love God than I realized a year ago. I constantly struggle and will continue to battle my heart and my flesh (which are deceitful and desperately wicked!), but the blessing is that I have an amazing creator and PROVIDER who is continually pouring His grace on me with so many good gifts.

To close this "chapter" in my journey I leave you with the greatest gift we can praise God for (which also goes back to day 1 of this journey)...  Jesus.  Even on the days when we can hardly look up, we can remember our freedom in Christ. We can remember the love of a Savior who was willing to take our sin for us- a substitutionary death- so that we can experience life. TRUE life. Eternal life. A life filled with praise and thanks to our incredible Father who can only do good. It's His nature. He is WORTHY to receive praise.

So, Jesus, Thank you for how you've used this little insignificant blog to start a transforming work in my heart. Continue it. And help all who stumble upon this "Journey" to know that they are blessed- even for the smallest of gifts from you. For breath, for the ability to laugh and breathe and walk, for times of joy and sorrow, for the ability to LIVE- gifts. And for the cross, wow... Jesus, Thank you.


  1. Great work, Allie! Your thanksgivings have blessed me this year as well. I hope and pray that God continues to cultivate this amazing part of you! Thanks for bringing us along on your journey!

  2. Hey Allison, I just found your blog! This is awesome. Praise God for the way that he worked in your life this past year through your disciplined thankfulness. I just forwarded this blog on to Candice. She just finished reading a book called "1000 gifts" by Ann Voskamp and started a journal of things that God has blessed her with. Do you plan to keep blogging?

  3. My question as well. This doesn't mean you're done, does it? :-)
