
Thursday, March 31, 2011


Happy Birthday, Aunt Karen!!

TODAY is the birthday of a lady (practically family!) who has probably had the most influence in my life, my Aunt Karen. Many people know the story of how she became part of the family, but for those of you who don't, here it goes...

Years and years ago, there was a lady who worked on staff at my church who needed a place to stay for a week or so while she found somewhere to live. I must add that this was back in the day when  the Campbell clan only consisted of Carrie, Rach, and Monroe (so, we're talking many years ago!) :) So, after week one and two... and after week three and four, she was still there... AND GUESS WHAT! She is still here!  Who knew a week-long stay would last 24 years and counting! She has definitely become part of our family.

I have so many great memories with Aunt Karen. Growing up I spent hours watching Barney on her bed and eating candy from her candy stash. Every one of my friends who came over growing up knew where the stash was. :) She used to take us to the botanical gardens to feed MASSIVE goldfish, she kept us excited with "discovery club" and the "rose buds" (whatever that even means!) at church. Treasure hunts, candy hunts, easter egg hunts etc... were an almost daily routine. She always had fun adventures up her sleeve!

Along with adventures of fun, she brought us on many scary adventures as well- atleast I thought they were scary at the time. NURSING HOME VISITS. I used to be scared of nursing homes, and the thought of an elderly person coming close to me just made me nervous. As a child I was so shy, but Aunt Karen purposefully took myself and my siblings (and the rest of the church kids) to the nursing home regularly to go visiting. She would always pray with us that we would be a blessing, and would encourage us to go around and talk to the residents of the nursing home, even those who might be a little more frightening to be around. So, as I grew up, this became more and more normal for me. Then as I was a little older, she would take me after church on Sunday afternoon's to visit some of the shut-in's from our church. One in particular who I loved to visit was Mrs. Mixon. I cannot tell you how many times  we would sit there (starving!) and just listen to Mrs. Mixon talk about how she had been praying for us, and we'd listen to her talk about Jesus. How encouraging to see the reality of Christ in this lady.

Aunt Karen has always encouraged anybody she knows to look for ways to minister to others, and to look for ways to make other people feel comfortable. Often in life we get so discontent with our own circumstances. We get so consumed with what we are going through and what "trials" we have in our lives, and yes, often we are going through truly difficult times. BUT, it's amazing that even in the times of pain and hurt, when we choose to look for others to minister to, it causes our problems to pale.

I cannot even begin to express my gratitude for Aunt Karen's influence in my life. She's encouraged me in my walk with the Lord in so many ways, teaching me the reality of Christ not only by the words she says, but by the way she lives. She is a true servant of God, and I thank the Lord that I have been able to see her live the love of Christ in such a close way.

SO, happy birthday, Aunt Karen!! I love you and thank God for you.

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