Soooooooo today as I'm inviting new clients into the office, I notice that on the wall behind their chairs is a beautiful mural drawn by the one and only Daniel Allen Smetana, Jr. "As you can see, we have a little boy running around having a little too much fun" disguised my humiliation as the clients took their seats. Little Daniel always has a way of leaving his mark everywhere he goes! He has now drawn on the hardwood floor in the back office, the closet in the office, and now the walls. You would think the discipline would teach him that taking a pen, opening the lid, and drawing spaghetti on the walls is NOT A GOOD THING! (But I must give him credit for creativity!) :)
Fortunately after lots of scrubbing and NO success whatsoever, my incredible mother taught me a nifty trick. While some people use toothpaste or hairspray to aid in the removal of this adorable artwork, mom uses Mr. Clean Magic Erasers! I can honestly tell you that in probably 3 minutes the scribbles (and this was a large mural he had created- about as wide/tall as his arm could reach) were gone!! It was a miracle!
So, props to mom (and Mr. Clean) for saving the day... yet again. Mom's always save the day. I don't know how they do it!!
It is true, I say to my mom all the time, "how am I going to know how to do this when I am a mom?" How are we going to know Alli?? At least we have pretty awesome (well the best) examples for us :)