This year I had the privilege of spending lots of time with family over Christmas. Not only did I get to enjoy the Campbell family traditions around Christmas eve and Christmas day, I also got to enjoy time with Ronnie's family.!
Just to share a few pictures of the holidays....
1) Christmas eve brunch with Ronnie's Dad and Kay. Ronnie's sweet sister had all of us over for brunch and BOY was it delicious! She is such a great hostess!
Rhonda is so creative and classy- love her cheese and fruit tray! |
Ronnie and his dad... two handome men if you ask me! |
Jeff and little Jules... Jules wanted to wrap up. If there is a dog in the world
with personality, it's Jules! |
The cooks with Elvis |
We skyped with Michelle, Ronnie's sweet sister who lives in California and couldn't be with us.
Ronnie's showing her Rhonda's new necklace. :) |
Jules' new Christmas present!! |
Hi Chelle!! |
I don't know why we were laughing but I love this picture! And I love this lady!! Rhonda is a jewel! |
2) Christmas Eve with my parents, Great Aunt Broy, Grammie Campbell and Grandma Kline, followed by our Campbell/Bundrick REINDEER food tradition!!
Grandma Kline and Sarah Lou |
Our desserts ... mmm... :) |
Beautiful Ladies |
So happy Jon and Ronnie could be with us for Christmas! |
After dinner we all sat around and sang Christmas carols with the Bundricks... |
Of course, every year we have to throw the reindeer food!! |
Practically sisters... love Elizabeth!! |
3) Christmas morning we participated in the "Richardson family tradition". Several years ago my friend Stephanie Richardson stayed with my family over the Christmas season. She shared her family tradition of paper bag stockings.
Ronnie, Sarah and I were so excited about the goodies inside our bag!!!
This is only a little preview of Christmas Eve/Christmas day in the life of Allison... I wish I had time and space to share more. In addition to all of the above, we had a WONDERFUL time Christmas day at Grammie's with my dad's side of the family. We then went to Ronnie's mom's for dinner on Christmas day and had a wonderful time! Danny brought out records of Helen (Ronnie's mom) from when she sang in a Gospel quartet years ago. We had a ton of fun listening through them!
I feel so blessed and overwhelmed by the grace and provision of the Lord. He has given me so many good things- an incredible family, an awesome man of God pursuing me, lots of fun presents :), good health,... the list is endless. But the most awesome gift of grace given is Jesus Christ. I am so thankful for the relationship that I have and ALL can have through knowing Jesus. It's such a comfort to know that this little baby who we celebrate is THE Savior, and because of Jesus and what He did for us on the cross, we can have purpose and completeness.
I'm so very thankful for this Christmas and all of the memories made! Praise the Lord!!